Friday, February 6, 2009

I know, I has been a long time since my last post. I guess I just want to see if anyone will notice it. :)


Jackson 3 said...

Um....yes. I noticed. It's almost been a year!! you should wait till the 20th to update us just to make it a year!!! lol...
But....heck yes, we've missed you here in cyberspace.

Blackburn5 said...

Heartattack! I guess Gina and I are stocking you. We'd love to hear how things are going and see some cute pictures of your kids. No pressure though.

Heather said...

Holy cow! Had to double check that it was true when it popped up on my goggle reader. Post pics of your kids. :)

Jen and Dave said...

I have your blog on my list of blogs and it came up that you just updated! So, yes, I noticed! How are you Leilani? I'm married now. Living in Kyrgyzstan (teaching).

C'mon, blog!


Blackburns said...

Ok, so we noticed. Now really make us happy and post some pictures from your trip to Brianhead.

heidi said...

i'm speechless. really i am.